
Join the Second Stakeholders Conference

May 25 -26 2021

Host and Logistic Coordinator: Prof. Luis Vicente Lopez Llorca, Alicante University, Spain

Moderator: prof. Luis Ernesto Pocasangre, EARTH, University, Costa Rica

Join the conference by using the below LINK

For the programme download the FLYER

Alicante agroecology project

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See the presentations:

III Virtual Phytosanitary Day – 3 June 2020

MUSA Webinar 15th May Dissemination

“open the laptop, to bring the world into a room”…almost 200 participants from 23 countries connected at the same time to listen and share information about the world of Microorganisms in agriculture.

Great talk of Mercado Blanco, Jesus, on endophites in agriculture.

“Endophyte” is a key word for defining the intimate plants-microorganisms relationships… and It’s the future of this new technology in agriculture.

MUSA Project Seminar at IAS-CSIC

Córdoba, 12 April 2019