Objectives: Isolation and selection of EBCAs for developing the banana IPM strategies in WP2 to WP5, based on their suitable integration in bioformulations and/or for field applications. Production of EBCAs collections and sequence data for barcoding, and in vitro assays. Identification of most suitable microorganisms for application and pest/disease detection.
Task 1.1 – EBCAs of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense
Task 1.2 – EBCAs for banana and enset PPNs
Task 1.3 – Antagonists and EBCAs of BW
Task 1.4 – Host range assessment and plant receptivity assays
1.1 Microbial collections (bacteria, fungi) and other beneficial EBCAs for IPM (mth 20). Description: a number of collections of microorganisms proceeding from the sampling sites will be maintained at corresponding national partners. Sequence data produced for their identification will be made available on public databases (NCBI, EMBO). In case of species described as new for science a number of isolates will be deposited in public collections (CBS, DSMZ).
1.2 Report on EBCAs host-range assessment (mth 20). Description: report summarizing the results of the greenhouse assays concerning the colonization and response of a number of banana germplasm lines tested.
1.3 Selected PGPM / soil bacteria to control Fusarium diseases on banana crops (mth 16). Description: most promising isolates that will be distributed and used in field assays for PD management with stakeholders.
1.4 Selected EBCAs for IPM of RKN and other nematodes based on P. chlamydosporia and/or soil bacteria or fungi (mth 16). Description: most promising isolates that will be distributed and used in field assays for PPN management with stakeholders.
1.5 Selected entomopathogenic fungi or antagonists for biocontrol field assays of BW (mth 18).Description: most promising isolates that will be distributed and used in field assays for BW management with stakeholders.