Objectives: Improve and sustain yields through selected EBCAs tested in field assays and evaluation of the impact of safe propagation material, at the regional scale.
Task 5.1 Regional field assays for IPM based on plant germplasm and EBCAs applications
Task 5.2 Analysing plant response to novel IPM approaches
Task 5.3 Plant safety issues and provision of propagation material
5.1 Field data for integration of fungi and bacteria-based formulations with susceptible/tolerant germplasm against RKNs (mth 26). Description: Results from field assays on Meloidogyne spp. in Canary Islands, Cuba and SSA.
5.2 Field data for integration of EBCAs-based bioformulations to control BWs on susceptible/tolerant germplasm (mth 26). Description: Results from field assays on BW control in Canary Islands, Cuba and SSA.
5.3 Field data for integration of EBCAs-based bioformulations against Fusarium attacks on susceptible/tolearant banana/enset crops (mth 30). Description: Results from field assays on PD control in Canary Islands, Cuba and SSA.
5.4 Data on plant growth response under different IPM regimes (mth 42). Description: The most effective EBCA relative to conventional insecticide/nematicide use under field conditions, ranging from pest-suppressive to pest-supportive environments, will be identified for up- and out-scaling.
5.5 Report of phytosanitary status of propagation material and evaluation of its impact on crops (mth 42). Description: Epidemiologic data from surveyes for PPN, PD and BW in nurseries.