Objectives: Produce knowledge on the microorganisms, pests and disease biology, relying on the biological samples and specimens produced in WP1. Produce sequence data to improve the molecular detection both of the selected EBCAs and of the pests/disease causal agents, to be applied in ecology and epidemiologic field studies of WP5. Identify the role of a number of bioactive compounds acting either on pests/disease causal agents and EBCAs.
Task 2.1 – Molecular biology of EBCAs in PD management.
Task 2.2 – Root biology with endophytic EBCAs in PPN and banana/enset root interactions.
Task 2.2 – Root biology with endophytic EBCAs in PPN and banana/enset root interactions.
Task 2.3 – Bioactive compounds and their interactions with EBCAs antagonistic to BW and PPN.
Task 2.4 – Risk analysis in the banana and enset defense response.
2.1 Data on the biology of EBCAs in organic crop management (by mth 18). Description: The knowledge produced in laboratory assays, on the isolated microorganisms or on those already in collection, will be shown in databases available on line, including sequence data, host colonization, target pest parasitism, and endophytism.
2.2 Data on effectiveness of selected EBCAs from different regions and climates (by mth 20). Description: Prevalence/colonization rates per isolate, biological antagonism, parasitis, host preference and other data allowing the evaluation and selection of EBCAs.
2.3 Biological data on BW antagonists (by mth 24). Numerical results of parasitism assays carried out to evaluate BW antagonisms by microorganisms of EPN.
2.4 Risk analysis data report for selected EBCAs (by mth 25). Description: report on risk analysis results for the EBCAs selecte and suitable for applications in other WPs, prior to their introduction in the field. Data on experimental test with non target invertebrates, and of dual cultures with other soil microorganisms.